什么是 Angular?
Introduction to the Angular Docs
这份 Angular 文档会帮助你学习和使用 Angular 平台&框架,从你的第一个应用开始,一直到优化复杂的企业应用。 这些教程和指南中都包含可下载的范例,以加速你的学习。
These Angular docs help you learn and use the Angular platform and framework, from your first app to optimizing complex enterprise apps. Tutorials and guides include downloadable example to accelerate your projects.
不需要任何设置,快速创建你的第一个 Angular 应用。
Create your first Angular app, without any setup
使用 Angular CLI 搭建本地开发环境
Set up your local environment with the Angular CLI
学习 Angular 应用的更多知识及架构特性
Learn more about Angular apps and framework features
本文档假设你已经熟悉了 HTML,CSS,JavaScript 和来自 最新标准 的一些知识,比如 类 和 模块。 下列代码范例都是用最新版本的 TypeScript 写的。 大多数 Angular 代码都只能用最新的 JavaScript 编写,它会用 类型 实现依赖注入,还会用装饰器来提供元数据。
These docs assume that you are already familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some of the tools from the latest standards, such as classes and modules. The code samples are written using TypeScript. Most Angular code can be written with just the latest JavaScript, using types for dependency injection, and using decorators for metadata.
You can sit with us!
We want to hear from you. Report problems or submit suggestions for future docs.
请到 Github 上的仓库中创建 Pull Requests 来为 Angular 文档做出贡献。 贡献者指南将会帮助你更好的为社区做贡献。
Contribute to Angular docs by creating pull requests on the Angular Github repository. See Contributing to Angular for information about submission guidelines.
我们的社区提倡相互尊重、相互支持。 参见社区行为规范。
Our community values respectful, supportive communication. Please consult and adhere to the Code of Conduct.