持续更新你的 Angular 项目
Keeping your Angular Projects Up-to-Date
就像 Web 及其整个生态系统一样,Angular 也在持续改进中。Angular 平衡了持续改进与强调稳定性之间的冲突,努力让升级变得更简单。让 Angular 应用始终保持最新,可以让你获得前沿的新特性所带来的好处,还有各种优化和 Bug 修复。
Just like Web and the entire web ecosystem, Angular is continuously improving. Angular balances continuous improvement with a strong focus on stability and making updates easy. Keeping your Angular app up-to-date enables you to take advantage of leading-edge new features, as well as optimizations and bug fixes.
本文档包含一些信息和资源,来帮助你持续更新 Angular 的应用和库。
This document contains information and resources to help you keep your Angular apps and libraries up-to-date.
要了解我们的版本策略和实践(包括支持或废弃某些特性时的做法,以及发布计划),请参见 Angular 的版本与发布。
For information about our versioning policy and practices—including support and deprecation practices, as well as the release schedule—see Angular versioning and releases.
如果你正在使用 AngularJS,参见从 AngularJS 升级。AngularJS 是专用于 Angular v1.x 的名字。
If you are currently using AngularJS, see Upgrading from AngularJS. AngularJS is the name for all v1.x versions of Angular.
Getting notified of new releases
要想获得新版本发布通知,请关注 Twitter 上的 @angular 或订阅 Angular 官方博客。
To be notified when new releases are available, follow @angular on Twitter or subscribe to the Angular blog.
Learning about new features
有什么新特性?有哪些变化?我们会在 Angular 官方博客的发布声明中和你共享那些最重要的信息。
What's new? What's changed? We share the most important things you need to know on the Angular blog in release announcements.
要查看完整的按版本组织的变更列表,参见 Angular 更改记录。
To review a complete list of changes, organized by version, see the Angular change log.
检查你的 Angular 版本
Checking your version of Angular
要检查你的应用的 Angular 版本,就到项目目录下执行 ng version
To check your app's version of Angular: From within your project directory, use the ng version
查看 Angular 的当前版本
Finding the current version of Angular
在 Angular 文档站左侧导航栏的底部可以看到 Angular 最新的稳定版版本号。比如 stable (v5.2.9)
The most recent stable released version of Angular appears in the Angular documentation at the bottom of the left side navigation. For example, stable (v5.2.9)
你还可以使用 CLI 命令 ng update
发现 Angular 的最新版本。默认情况下,ng update
You can also find the most current version of Angular by using the CLI command ng update
. By default, ng update
(without additional arguments) lists the updates that are available to you.
Updating your environment and apps
为了让升级更简单,我们在交互式 Angular 升级指南中提供了完整的操作指令。
To make updating easy, we provide complete instructions in the interactive Angular Update Guide.
Angular 升级指南提供了自定义的升级指令,基于当前版本和你指定的目标版本。它包括简单的和高级的升级路径,以适应你应用中的各种复杂情况。它还包括诊断信息和建议的手动修改动作,以帮助你获得最新版本。
The Angular Update Guide provides customized update instructions, based on the current and target versions that you specify. It includes basic and advanced update paths, to match the complexity of your applications. It also includes troubleshooting information and any recommended manual changes to help you get the most out of the new release.
对于简单的升级工作,你所要做的一切就是执行一下 CLI 命令 ng update
。不带额外参数时,ng update
For simple updates, the CLI command ng update
is all you need. Without additional arguments, ng update
lists the updates that are available to you and provides recommended steps to update your application to the most current version.
Angular 版本与发布中描述了你要如何根据版本号来推测所发生的更改等级。它还讲了建议的升级路径。
Angular Versioning and Releases describes the level of change that you can expect based a release's version number. It also describes supported update paths.
Resource summary
发布声明:Angular 博客 - 发布声明
Release announcements: Angular blog - release announcements
发布声明(旧的):Angular 博客 - 2017 年 8 月以前的
Release announcements (older): Angular blog - announcements about releases prior to August 2017
发布详情:Angular 变更记录
Release details: Angular change log
升级指南:Angular 升级向导
Update instructions: Angular Update Guide
升级命令参考文档:Angular CLI
ng update
命令参考手册Update command reference: Angular CLI
ng update
command reference版本、发布、支持与废弃的实践:Angular 的版本与发布
Versioning, release, support, and deprecation practices: Angular versioning and releases
发布计划:Angular 的版本与发布
Release schedule: Angular versioning and releases