Hierarchical Dependency Injectors
Angular 的依赖注入系统是多级的。 实际上,应用程序中有一个与组件树平行的注入器树(译注:平行是指结构完全相同且一一对应)。 你可以在组件树中的任何级别上重新配置注入器。
The Angular dependency injection system is hierarchical. There is a tree of injectors that parallels an app's component tree. You can reconfigure the injectors at any level of that component tree.
本文将带你浏览这个体系,并告诉你要如何善用它。 这里用到的例子基于这个
This guide explores this system and how to use it to your advantage. It uses examples based on this
Where to configure providers
你可以为注入器树中不同的注入器分别配置提供商。 所有运行中的应用都会共享同一个内部的平台级注入器。 AppModule
上的注入器是全应用级注入器树的根节点,在 NgModule 中,指令级的注入器会遵循组件树的结构。
You can configure providers for different injectors in the injector hierarchy. An internal platform-level injector is shared by all running apps. The AppModule
injector is the root of an app-wide injector hierarchy, and within an NgModule, directive-level injectors follow the structure of the component hierarchy.
The choices you make about where to configure providers lead to differences in the final bundle size, service scope, and service lifetime.
当你在服务自身的 @Injectable()
装饰器中指定提供商时(通常在应用的根一级),CLI 生产模式构建时所用的优化工具可以执行摇树优化,它会移除没有用过的那些服务。摇树优化生成的包会更小。
When you specify providers in the @Injectable()
decorator of the service itself (typically at the app root level), optimization tools such as those used by the CLI's production builds can perform tree shaking, which removes services that aren't used by your app. Tree shaking results in smaller bundle sizes.
Learn more about tree-shakable providers.
你可能会在应用程序的许多地方注入 UserService
,并希望每次注入的都是服务的同一个实例。这种情况下,通过 root
来提供 UserService
就是不错的选择,而且这也是 Angular CLI 为应用生成服务时的默认选项。
You're likely to inject UserService
in many places throughout the app and will want to inject the same service instance every time. Providing UserService
through the root
injector is a good choice, and is the default that the Angular CLI uses when you generate a service for your app.
当使用 providedIn:'root'
时,你是在配置应用的根注入器,也就是 AppModule
的注入器。 整个注入器树的真正的根是平台注入器,它是根注入器的父节点。 这可以让多个应用共享同一套平台配置。比如,无论你正在运行多少个应用,一个浏览器窗口都只有一个地址栏。
When you use providedIn:'root'
, you are configuring the root injector for the app, which is the injector for AppModule
. The actual root of the entire injector hierarchy is a platform injector that is the parent of app-root injectors. This allows multiple apps to share a platform configuration. For example, a browser has only one URL bar, no matter how many apps you have running.
平台注入器是在启动期间内部使用的,用于配置与平台相关的依赖项。通过在调用 platformBrowser()
函数时提供 extraProviders
The platform injector is used internally during bootstrap, to configure platform-specific dependencies. You can configure additional platform-specific providers at the platform level by supplying extraProviders
using the platformBrowser()
要了解借助注入器树解析依赖项的更多信息,参见你所不知道的 Angular 依赖注入树。
Learn more about dependency resolution through the injector hierarchy: What you always wanted to know about Angular Dependency Injection tree
NgModule 级的提供商可以在 @NgModule()
元数据中指定,也可以在 @Injectable()
的 providedIn
选项中指定某个模块类(但根模块 AppModule
NgModule-level providers can be specified with @NgModule()
metadata option, or in the @Injectable()
option (with some module other than the root AppModule
如果某个模块是惰性加载的,那么请使用 @NgModule()
的 provides
选项。加载那个模块时,就会用这里的提供商来配置模块本身的注入器,而 Angular 会为该模块中创建的任何类注入相应的服务。如果你使用了 @Injectable()
中的 providedIn: MyLazyloadModule
Use the @NgModule()
option if a module is lazy loaded. The module's own injector is configured with the provider when that module is loaded, and Angular can inject the corresponding services in any class it creates in that module. If you use the @Injectable()
option providedIn: MyLazyloadModule
, the provider could be shaken out at compile time, if it is not used anywhere else in the app.
Learn more about tree-shakable providers.
无论对于根级注入器还是模块级注入器,服务实例的生存期都和应用或模块本身相同。Angular 可以把这个服务实例注入到任何需要它的类中。
For both root-level and module-level injectors, a service instance lives for the life of the app or module, and Angular injects this one service instance in every class that needs it.
组件级提供商为每个组件实例配置自己的注入器。 Angular 只能把相应的服务注入到该组件实例或其下级组件实例中,而不能把这个服务实例注入到其它地方。
Component-level providers configure each component instance's own injector. Angular can only inject the corresponding services in that component instance or one of its descendant component instances. Angular can't inject the same service instance anywhere else.
组件提供的服务具有受限的生命周期。 该组件的每个新实例都会获得自己的一份服务实例。 当销毁组件实例时,服务实例也会被同时销毁。
A component-provided service may have a limited lifetime. Each new instance of the component gets its own instance of the service. When the component instance is destroyed, so is that service instance.
在这个范例应用中,应用一启动就会创建 HeroComponent
的实例,而且永不销毁,所以由 HeroComponent
创建的 HeroService
的实例的生命周期也和应用相同。 如果你要把 HeroService
的访问权限制到 HeroComponent
及其内嵌的 HeroListComponent
中,可以通过修改 HeroComponent
的元数据,来要求在组件级提供 HeroService
In our sample app, HeroComponent
is created when the application starts and is never destroyed, so the HeroService
instance created for HeroComponent
lives for the life of the app. If you want to restrict HeroService
access to HeroComponent
and its nested HeroListComponent
, provide HeroService
at the component level, in HeroComponent
See more examples of component-level injection below.
在 @Injectable 级进行配置
@Injectable-level configuration
装饰器会标出每个服务类。服务类的元数据选项 providedIn
会指定一个注入器(通常为 root
来用被装饰的类作为该服务的提供商。 当可注入的类向 root
The @Injectable()
decorator identifies every service class. The providedIn
metadata option for a service class configures a specific injector (typically root
) to use the decorated class as a provider of the service. When an injectable class provides its own service to the root
injector, the service is available anywhere the class is imported.
下面的例子使用类上的 @Injectable()
装饰器为 HeroService
The following example configures a provider for HeroService
using the @Injectable()
decorator on the class.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
providedIn: 'root',
export class HeroService {
constructor() { }
这个配置项告诉 Angular,要由此应用的根注入器负责通过调用 HeroService
的构造函数来创建它的实例。 并让该实例在整个应用程序中可用。
This configuration tells Angular that the app's root injector is responsible for creating an instance of HeroService
by invoking its constructor, and for making that instance available across the application.
典型的方式是通过应用的根注入器来提供服务,当 CLI 生成新的服务时,也会自动为你设置为这种方式。 不过,你有时候可能不希望通过根注入器提供服务。比如,你可能会希望用户显式的选择如何使用该服务。
Providing a service with the app's root injector is a typical case, and the CLI sets up this kind of a provider automatically for you when generating a new service. However, you might not always want to provide your service at the root level. You might, for instance, want users to explicitly opt-in to using the service.
除了指定给 root
注入器之外,你还可以把 providedIn
设置为某个特定的 NgModule。
Instead of specifying the root
injector, you can set providedIn
to a specific NgModule.
装饰器配置了一个提供商,它能用于 HeroModule
For example, in the following excerpt, the @Injectable()
decorator configures a provider that is available in any injector that includes the HeroModule
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HeroModule } from './hero.module';
import { HEROES } from './mock-heroes';
// we declare that this service should be created
// by any injector that includes HeroModule.
providedIn: HeroModule,
export class HeroService {
getHeroes() { return HEROES; }
一般来说,这和在 NgModule 本身的装饰器上配置注入器没有多少不同,主要的区别是如果 NgModule 没有用到该服务,那么它就是可以被摇树优化掉的。 对于某个提供特定服务的库而言,有些组件可能会希望注入器是可选的,等使用该库的应用程序来决定是否要提供该服务。
This is generally no different from configuring the injector of the NgModule itself, except that the service is tree-shakable if the NgModule doesn't use it. It can be useful for a library that offers a particular service that some components might want to inject optionally, and leave it up to the app whether to provide the service.
Learn more about tree-shakable providers.
@NgModule 级注入器
@NgModule-level injectors
你还可以在非根 NgModule 元数据的 providers
选项中配置一个模块级的提供商,以便把该服务的范围限定在该模块一级。 这和在 @Injectable()
元数据中指定一个非根模块是基本等效的,但以 providers
You can configure a provider at the module level using the providers
metadata option for a non-root NgModule, in order to limit the scope of the provider to that module. This is the equivalent of specifying the non-root module in the @Injectable()
metadata, except that the service provided via providers
is not tree-shakable.
一般来说,你不必在 providedIn
中指定 AppModule
,因为应用中的 root
注入器就是 AppModule
注入器。 不过,如果你在 AppModule
的 @NgModule()
元数据中配置了全应用级的提供商,它就会覆盖通过 @Injectable()
配置的那一个。 你可以用这种方式来为那些供多个应用使用的服务指定非默认的提供商。
You generally don't need to specify AppModule
with providedIn
, because the app's root
injector is the AppModule
injector. However, if you configure a app-wide provider in the @NgModule()
metadata for AppModule
, it overrides one configured for root
in the @Injectable()
metadata. You can do this to configure a non-default provider of a service that is shared with multiple apps.
下面的例子中,通过把 location 策略 的提供商添加到 AppModule
的 providers
列表中,为路由器配置了非默认的 location 策略。
Here is an example of the case where the component router configuration includes a non-default location strategy by listing its provider in the providers
list of the AppModule
providers: [
{ provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy }
@Component 级注入器
@Component-level injectors
NgModule 中每个组件都有它自己的注入器。 通过使用 @Component
Individual components within an NgModule have their own injectors. You can limit the scope of a provider to a component and its children by configuring the provider at the component level using the @Component
下面的例子是修改过的 HeroesComponent
,它在 providers
数组中指定了 HeroService
The following example is a revised HeroesComponent
that specifies HeroService
in its providers
array. HeroService
can provide heroes to instances of this component, or to any child component instances.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';
selector: 'app-heroes',
providers: [ HeroService ],
template: `
export class HeroesComponent { }
Element injectors
注入器本质上并不属于组件,而是 DOM 中该组件实例所附着到的元素。另一个 DOM 元素上的其它组件实例则会使用另一个注入器。
An injector does not actually belong to a component, but rather to the component instance's anchor element in the DOM. A different component instance on a different DOM element uses a different injector.
中的 providers
属性是从 @Directive()
中继承来的。 指令也能拥有依赖,并且你也可以在它们的 @Directive()
元数据中配置提供商。 当你使用 providers
属性为组件或指令配置提供商时,该提供商属于所在 DOM 元素的那个注入器。 同一个元素上的组件与指令共享同一个注入器。
Components are a special type of directive, and the providers
property of @Component()
is inherited from @Directive()
. Directives can also have dependencies, and you can configure providers in their @Directive()
metadata. When you configure a provider for a component or directive using the providers
property, that provider belongs to the injector for the anchor DOM element. Components and directives on the same element share an injector.
欲知详情,参见Angular 中的元素注入器。
Learn more about Element Injectors in Angular.
Injector bubbling
考虑《英雄指南》应用的一个简单变种。它的顶层是 AppComponent
组件,它还有一些子组件,比如 HeroesListComponent
。 HeroesListComponent
组件保存和管理着 HeroTaxReturnComponent
的多个实例。 下图展示了当 HeroesCardComponent
的三个 HeroTaxReturnComponent
Consider this guide's variation on the Tour of Heroes application. At the top is the AppComponent
which has some subcomponents, such as the HeroesListComponent
. The HeroesListComponent
holds and manages multiple instances of the HeroTaxReturnComponent
. The following diagram represents the state of this three-level component tree when there are three instances of HeroTaxReturnComponent
open simultaneously.

当一个组件申请获得一个依赖时,Angular 先尝试用该组件自己的注入器来满足它。 如果该组件的注入器没有找到对应的提供商,它就把这个申请转给它父组件的注入器来处理。 如果那个注入器也无法满足这个申请,它就继续转给它在注入器树中的父注入器。 这个申请继续往上冒泡 —— 直到 Angular 找到一个能处理此申请的注入器或者超出了组件树中的祖先位置为止。 如果超出了组件树中的祖先还未找到,Angular 就会抛出一个错误。
When a component requests a dependency, Angular tries to satisfy that dependency with a provider registered in that component's own injector. If the component's injector lacks the provider, it passes the request up to its parent component's injector. If that injector can't satisfy the request, it passes the request along to the next parent injector up the tree. The requests keep bubbling up until Angular finds an injector that can handle the request or runs out of ancestor injectors. If it runs out of ancestors, Angular throws an error.
如果你在不同的层级上为同一个 DI 令牌注册了提供商,那么 Angular 所碰到的第一个注入器就会用来提供该依赖。 比如,如果提供商注册在该组件的本地注入器上,那么当该组件需要这个服务时,Angular 就不会去找能提供同一服务的其它提供商。
If you have registered a provider for the same DI token at different levels, the first one Angular encounters is the one it uses to provide the dependency. If, for example, a provider is registered locally in the component that needs a service, Angular doesn't look for another provider of the same service.
你可以通过在构造函数的依赖项参数上添加参数装饰器 @Host()
来限制冒泡。 当搜索提供商时,就会在组件宿主元素的注入器处停下。
You can cap the bubbling by adding the @Host()
parameter decorator on the dependant-service parameter in a component's constructor. The hunt for providers stops at the injector for the host element of the component.
让你能在没有找到提供商时把参数置为 null。See an example of using
together with@Optional
, another parameter decorator that lets you handle the null case if no provider is found.到
装饰器与元素注入器 中了解更多。Learn more about the
decorator and Element Injectors.
如果你只在顶级的根注入器(通常为根模块 AppModule
)上注册提供商,则注入器树看起来就是扁平的。 无论你使用 bootstrapModule
方法配置它,还是在自己的服务中使用 root
If you only register providers with the root injector at the top level (typically the root AppModule
), the tree of injectors appears to be flat. All requests bubble up to the root injector, whether you configured it with the bootstrapModule
method, or registered all providers with root
in their own services.
Component injectors
在不同层次上重新配置一个或多个提供商的能力,开启了一些既有趣又有用的可能性。 本指南中的例子提供了一些你可能会用到它的场景。
The ability to configure one or more providers at different levels opens up interesting and useful possibilities. The guide sample offers some scenarios where you might want to do so.
Scenario: service isolation
Architectural reasons may lead you to restrict access to a service to the application domain where it belongs.
比如,这个例子中包括一个用于显示反派列表的 VillainsListComponent
,它会从 VillainsService
For example, the guide sample includes a VillainsListComponent
that displays a list of villains. It gets those villains from a VillainsService
如果你在根模块 AppModule
中(也就是你注册 HeroesService
的地方)提供 VillainsService
,就会让应用中的任何地方都能访问到 VillainsService
,包括针对英雄的工作流。如果你稍后修改了 VillainsService
,就可能破坏了英雄组件中的某些地方。在根模块 AppModule
If you provide VillainsService
in the root AppModule
(where you registered the HeroesService
), that would make the VillainsService
available everywhere in the application, including the Hero workflows. If you later modified the VillainsService
, you could break something in a hero component somewhere. Providing the service in the root AppModule
creates that risk.
该怎么做呢?你可以在 VillainsListComponent
的 providers
元数据中提供 VillainsService
Instead, you can provide the VillainsService
in the providers
metadata of the VillainsListComponent
like this:
selector: 'app-villains-list',
templateUrl: './villains-list.component.html',
providers: [ VillainsService ]
在 VillainsListComponent
的元数据中而不是其它地方提供 VillainsService
服务,该服务就会只在 VillainsListComponent
及其子组件树中可用。 它仍然是单例,但是这个单例只存在于反派(villain)这个领域中。
By providing VillainsService
in the VillainsListComponent
metadata and nowhere else, the service becomes available only in the VillainsListComponent
and its sub-component tree. It's still a singleton, but it's a singleton that exist solely in the villain domain.
Now you know that a hero component can't access it. You've reduced your exposure to error.
Scenario: multiple edit sessions
很多应用允许用户同时进行多个任务。 比如,在纳税申报应用中,申报人可以打开多个报税单,随时可能从一个切换到另一个。
Many applications allow users to work on several open tasks at the same time. For example, in a tax preparation application, the preparer could be working on several tax returns, switching from one to the other throughout the day.
本章要示范的场景仍然是基于《英雄指南》的。 想象一个外层的 HeroListComponent
This guide demonstrates that scenario with an example in the Tour of Heroes theme. Imagine an outer HeroListComponent
that displays a list of super heroes.
要打开一个英雄的报税单,申报者点击英雄名,它就会打开一个组件来编辑那个申报单。 每个选中的申报单都会在自己的组件中打开,并且可以同时打开多个申报单。
To open a hero's tax return, the preparer clicks on a hero name, which opens a component for editing that return. Each selected hero tax return opens in its own component and multiple returns can be open at the same time.
Each tax return component has the following characteristics:
Is its own tax return editing session.
Can change a tax return without affecting a return in another component.
Has the ability to save the changes to its tax return or cancel them.

假设 HeroTaxReturnComponent
还有一些管理并还原这些更改的逻辑。 这对于简单的报税单来说是很容易的。 不过,在现实世界中,报税单的数据模型非常复杂,对这些修改的管理可能不得不投机取巧。 你可以把这种管理任务委托给一个辅助服务,就像这个例子中所做的。
Suppose that the HeroTaxReturnComponent
has logic to manage and restore changes. That would be a pretty easy task for a simple hero tax return. In the real world, with a rich tax return data model, the change management would be tricky. You could delegate that management to a helper service, as this example does.
这是一个报税单服务 HeroTaxReturnService
。 它缓存了单条 HeroTaxReturn
,用于跟踪那个申报单的变更,并且可以保存或还原它。 它还委托给了全应用级的单例服务 HeroService
Here is the HeroTaxReturnService
. It caches a single HeroTaxReturn
, tracks changes to that return, and can save or restore it. It also delegates to the application-wide singleton HeroService
, which it gets by injection.
- import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
- import { HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
- import { HeroesService } from './heroes.service';
- @Injectable()
- export class HeroTaxReturnService {
- private currentTaxReturn: HeroTaxReturn;
- private originalTaxReturn: HeroTaxReturn;
- constructor(private heroService: HeroesService) { }
- set taxReturn (htr: HeroTaxReturn) {
- this.originalTaxReturn = htr;
- this.currentTaxReturn = htr.clone();
- }
- get taxReturn (): HeroTaxReturn {
- return this.currentTaxReturn;
- }
- restoreTaxReturn() {
- this.taxReturn = this.originalTaxReturn;
- }
- saveTaxReturn() {
- this.taxReturn = this.currentTaxReturn;
- this.heroService.saveTaxReturn(this.currentTaxReturn).subscribe();
- }
- }
下面是正在使用它的 HeroTaxReturnComponent
Here is the HeroTaxReturnComponent
that makes use of it.
- import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
- import { HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
- import { HeroTaxReturnService } from './hero-tax-return.service';
- @Component({
- selector: 'app-hero-tax-return',
- templateUrl: './hero-tax-return.component.html',
- styleUrls: [ './hero-tax-return.component.css' ],
- providers: [ HeroTaxReturnService ]
- })
- export class HeroTaxReturnComponent {
- message = '';
- @Output() close = new EventEmitter<void>();
- get taxReturn(): HeroTaxReturn {
- return this.heroTaxReturnService.taxReturn;
- }
- @Input()
- set taxReturn (htr: HeroTaxReturn) {
- this.heroTaxReturnService.taxReturn = htr;
- }
- constructor(private heroTaxReturnService: HeroTaxReturnService) { }
- onCanceled() {
- this.flashMessage('Canceled');
- this.heroTaxReturnService.restoreTaxReturn();
- };
- onClose() { this.close.emit(); };
- onSaved() {
- this.flashMessage('Saved');
- this.heroTaxReturnService.saveTaxReturn();
- }
- flashMessage(msg: string) {
- this.message = msg;
- setTimeout(() => this.message = '', 500);
- }
- }
通过输入属性可以得到要编辑的报税单,这个属性被实现成了读取器(getter)和设置器(setter)。 设置器根据传进来的报税单初始化了组件自己的 HeroTaxReturnService
实例。 读取器总是返回该服务所存英雄的当前状态。 组件也会请求该服务来保存或还原这个报税单。
The tax-return-to-edit arrives via the input property which is implemented with getters and setters. The setter initializes the component's own instance of the HeroTaxReturnService
with the incoming return. The getter always returns what that service says is the current state of the hero. The component also asks the service to save and restore this tax return.
但如果该服务是一个全应用范围的单例就不行了。 每个组件就都会共享同一个服务实例,每个组件也都会覆盖属于其他英雄的报税单。
This won't work if the service is an application-wide singleton. Every component would share the same service instance, and each component would overwrite the tax return that belonged to another hero.
要防止这一点,我们就要在 HeroTaxReturnComponent
元数据的 providers
To prevent this, we configure the component-level injector of HeroTaxReturnComponent
to provide the service, using the providers
property in the component metadata.
providers: [ HeroTaxReturnService ]
有它自己的 HeroTaxReturnService
提供商。 回忆一下,每个组件的实例都有它自己的注入器。 在组件级提供服务可以确保组件的每个实例都得到一个自己的、私有的服务实例,而报税单也不会再被意外覆盖了。
The HeroTaxReturnComponent
has its own provider of the HeroTaxReturnService
. Recall that every component instance has its own injector. Providing the service at the component level ensures that every instance of the component gets its own, private instance of the service, and no tax return gets overwritten.
该场景代码中的其它部分依赖另一些 Angular 的特性和技术,你将会在本文档的其它章节学到。 你可以到
The rest of the scenario code relies on other Angular features and techniques that you can learn about elsewhere in the documentation. You can review it and download it from the
Scenario: specialized providers
Another reason to re-provide a service at another level is to substitute a more specialized implementation of that service, deeper in the component tree.
考虑一个依赖于一系列服务的 Car 组件。 假设你在根注入器(代号 A)中配置了通用的提供商:CarService
和 TiresService
Consider a Car component that depends on several services. Suppose you configured the root injector (marked as A) with generic providers for CarService
, EngineService
and TiresService
You create a car component (A) that displays a car constructed from these three generic services.
然后,你创建一个子组件(B),它为 CarService
和 EngineService
定义了自己特有的提供商,它们具有适用于组件 B 的特有能力。
Then you create a child component (B) that defines its own, specialized providers for CarService
and EngineService
that have special capabilities suitable for whatever is going on in component (B).
组件 B 是另一个组件 C 的父组件,而组件 C 又定义了自己的,更特殊的CarService
Component (B) is the parent of another component (C) that defines its own, even more specialized provider for CarService

在幕后,每个组件都有自己的注入器,这个注入器带有为组件本身准备的 0 个、1 个或多个提供商。
Behind the scenes, each component sets up its own injector with zero, one, or more providers defined for that component itself.
当你在最深层的组件 C 解析 Car
的实例时,它使用注入器 C 解析生成了一个 Car
的实例,使用注入器 B 解析了 Engine
,而 Tires
则是由根注入器 A 解析的。
When you resolve an instance of Car
at the deepest component (C), its injector produces an instance of Car
resolved by injector (C) with an Engine
resolved by injector (B) and Tires
resolved by the root injector (A).