把一个类标记为 Angular 指令。你可以定义自己的指令来为 DOM 中的元素添加自定义行为。 该选项提供配置元数据,用于决定该指令在运行期间要如何处理、实例化和使用。
Marks a class as an Angular directive. You can define your own directives to attach custom behavior to elements in the DOM. The options provide configuration metadata that determines how the directive should be processed, instantiated and used at runtime.
选项 说明 selector
这个 CSS 选择器用于在模板中标记出该指令,并触发该指令的实例化。
The CSS selector that identifies this directive in a template and triggers instantiation of the directive.
Enumerates the set of data-bound input properties for a directive
Enumerates the set of event-bound output properties.
一组依赖注入令牌,它允许 DI 系统为这个指令或组件提供依赖。
Configures the injector of this directive or component with a token that maps to a provider of a dependency.
Defines the name that can be used in the template to assign this directive to a variable.
Configures the queries that will be injected into the directive.
使用一组键-值对,把类的属性映射到宿主元素的绑定(Property、Attribute 和事件)。
Maps class properties to host element bindings for properties, attributes, and events, using a set of key-value pairs.
如果为 true,则该指令/组件将会被 AOT 编译器忽略,始终使用 JIT 编译。
If true, this directive/component will be skipped by the AOT compiler and so will always be compiled using JIT.
说明 像组件类一样,指令类也可以实现生命周期钩子 ,以影响它们的配置和行为。
Directive classes, like component classes, can implement life-cycle hooks to influence their configuration and behavior.
选项 这个 CSS 选择器用于在模板中标记出该指令,并触发该指令的实例化。
The CSS selector that identifies this directive in a template and triggers instantiation of the directive.
selector: string
selector : string
Declare as one of the following:
: Select by element name.
: Select by class name.
: Select by attribute name.
: Select by attribute name and value.
:只有当元素不匹配子选择器 sub_selector
: Select only if the element does not match the sub_selector
selector1, selector2
:无论 selector1
还是 selector2
selector1, selector2
: Select if either selector1
or selector2
Angular 的指令只允许那些不跨元素边界的 CSS 选择器。
Angular only allows directives to apply on CSS selectors that do not cross element boundaries.
对于下列模板 HTML,带有 input[type=text]
选择器的指令只会在 <input type="text">
For the following template HTML, a directive with an input[type=text]
selector, would be instantiated only on the <input type="text">
<form> <input type="text"> <input type="radio"> <form>
<input type = "text" >
<input type = "radio" >
Enumerates the set of data-bound input properties for a directive
inputs: string[]
inputs : string []
Angular 会在变更检测期间自动更新输入属性。 inputs
属性定义了一组从 directiveProperty
指向 bindingProperty
Angular automatically updates input properties during change detection. The inputs
property defines a set of directiveProperty
to bindingProperty
specifies the component property where the value is written.
用于指定要从中读取值的 DOM 属性。
specifies the DOM property where the value is read from.
当没有提供 bindingProperty
时,就假设它和 directiveProperty
When bindingProperty
is not provided, it is assumed to be equal to directiveProperty
范例 Example 下面的例子创建了一个带有两个可绑定属性的组件。
The following example creates a component with two data-bound properties.
Component ({ selector: 'bank-account', inputs: ['bankName', 'id: account-id'], template: ` Bank Name: {{bankName}} Account Id: {{id}} ` }) class BankAccount { bankName: string; id: string;
@ Component ({
selector : 'bank-account' ,
inputs : [ 'bankName' , 'id: account-id' ],
template : `
Bank Name : {{ bankName }}
Account Id : {{ id }}
class BankAccount {
bankName : string ;
id : string ;
Enumerates the set of event-bound output properties.
outputs: string[]
outputs : string []
When an output property emits an event, an event handler attached to that event in the template is invoked.
属性定义了一组从 directiveProperty
指向 bindingProperty
The outputs
property defines a set of directiveProperty
to bindingProperty
specifies the component property that emits events.
用于指定要附加事件处理器的 DOM 属性。
specifies the DOM property the event handler is attached to.
范例 Example @
Component ({ selector: 'child-dir', outputs: [ 'bankNameChange' ] template: `<input (input)="bankNameChange.emit($event.target.value)" />` }) class ChildDir { bankNameChange:
EventEmitter <string> = new
EventEmitter <string>(); } @
Component ({ selector: 'main', template: ` {{ bankName }} <child-dir (bankNameChange)="onBankNameChange($event)"></child-dir> ` }) class MainComponent { bankName: string; onBankNameChange(bankName: string) { this.bankName = bankName; } }
@ Component ({ selector : 'child-dir' , outputs : [ 'bankNameChange' ] template : `< input ( input )= "bankNameChange.emit($event.target.value)" />` }) class ChildDir { bankNameChange : EventEmitter < string > = new EventEmitter < string >(); } @ Component ({ selector : 'main' , template : ` {{ bankName }} < child - dir ( bankNameChange )= "onBankNameChange($event)" ></ child - dir > ` }) class MainComponent { bankName : string ; onBankNameChange ( bankName : string ) { this . bankName = bankName ; } }
一组依赖注入令牌,它允许 DI 系统为这个指令或组件提供依赖。
Configures the injector of this directive or component with a token that maps to a provider of a dependency.
providers : Provider []
Defines the name that can be used in the template to assign this directive to a variable.
exportAs: string
exportAs : string
简单例子 Simple Example @
Directive ({ selector: 'child-dir', exportAs: 'child' }) class ChildDir { } @
Component ({ selector: 'main', template: `<child-dir #c="child"></child-dir>` }) class MainComponent { }
@ Directive ({ selector : 'child-dir' , exportAs : 'child' }) class ChildDir { } @ Component ({ selector : 'main' , template : `<child-dir #c="child"></child-dir>` }) class MainComponent { }
Configures the queries that will be injected into the directive.
queries : {
[ key : string ]: any ;
内容查询会在调用 ngAfterContentInit
回调之前设置好。 试图查询会在调用 ngAfterViewInit
Content queries are set before the ngAfterContentInit
callback is called. View queries are set before the ngAfterViewInit
callback is called.
范例 Example 下面的范例展示了如何定义这些查询以及到生命周期钩子中的哪个步骤才会有结果:
The following example shows how queries are defined and when their results are available in lifecycle hooks:
Component ({ selector: 'someDir',
queries : { contentChildren: new
ContentChildren (ChildDirective), viewChildren: new
ViewChildren (ChildDirective) }, template: '<child-directive></child-directive>' }) class SomeDir { contentChildren:
QueryList <ChildDirective>, viewChildren:
QueryList <ChildDirective> ngAfterContentInit() { // contentChildren is set } ngAfterViewInit() { // viewChildren is set } }
@ Component ({ selector : 'someDir' , queries : { contentChildren : new ContentChildren ( ChildDirective ), viewChildren : new ViewChildren ( ChildDirective ) }, template : '<child-directive></child-directive>' }) class SomeDir { contentChildren : QueryList < ChildDirective >, viewChildren : QueryList < ChildDirective > ngAfterContentInit () { // contentChildren is set } ngAfterViewInit () { // viewChildren is set } }
使用一组键-值对,把类的属性映射到宿主元素的绑定(Property、Attribute 和事件)。
Maps class properties to host element bindings for properties, attributes, and events, using a set of key-value pairs.
host : { [key: string]: string; }
host : {
[ key : string ]: string ;
Angular 在变更检测期间会自动检查宿主 Property 绑定。 如果绑定的值发生了变化,Angular 就会更新该指令的宿主元素。
Angular automatically checks host property bindings during change detection. If a binding changes, Angular updates the directive's host element.
当 key 是宿主元素的 Property 时,这个 Property 值就会传播到指定的 DOM 属性。
When the key is a property of the host element, the property value is the propagated to the specified DOM property.
当 key 是 DOM 中的静态 Attribute 时,这个 Attribute 值就会传播到宿主元素上指定的 Property 去。
When the key is a static attribute in the DOM, the attribute value is propagated to the specified property in the host element.
For event handling:
它的 key 就是该指令想要监听的 DOM 事件。 要想监听全局事件,请把要监听的目标添加到事件名的前面。 这个目标可以是 window
或 body
The key is the DOM event that the directive listens to. To listen to global events, add the target to the event name. The target can be window
, document
or body
它的 value 就是当该事件发生时要执行的语句。如果该语句返回 false
,那么就会调用这个 DOM 事件的 preventDefault
函数。 这个语句中可以引用局部变量 $event
The value is the statement to execute when the event occurs. If the statement evaluates to false
, then preventDefault
is applied on the DOM event. A handler method can refer to the $event
local variable.
如果为 true,则该指令/组件将会被 AOT 编译器忽略,始终使用 JIT 编译。
If true, this directive/component will be skipped by the AOT compiler and so will always be compiled using JIT.
jit: true
jit : true
该属性用来支持未来的 Ivy 工作。
This exists to support future Ivy work and has no effect currently.
使用说明 要想定义一个指令,请为该类加上此装饰器,并提供元数据。
To define a directive, mark the class with the decorator and provide metadata.
import {
Directive } from '@angular/core'; @
Directive ({ selector: 'my-directive', }) export class MyDirective { ... }
import { Directive } from '@angular/core' ;
@ Directive ({
selector : 'my-directive' ,
export class MyDirective {
声明指令 Declaring directives 指令是可声明对象 。 它们必须在 NgModule 中声明之后,才能用在应用中。
Directives are declarables . They must be declared by an NgModule in order to be usable in an app.
指令应当且只能属于一个 NgModule。不要重新声明那些从其它模块中导入的指令。 请把该指令类列在 NgModule 的 declarations
A directive must belong to exactly one NgModule. Do not re-declare a directive imported from another module. List the directive class in the declarations
field of an NgModule.
declarations: [ AppComponent, MyDirective ],
declarations : [
AppComponent ,